Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bobby Shindler To Governor Bush: Please Save My Sister

(copied word for word from Blogs for Terri)
(If you want to see what Terri's vegetative state looks like, go here.)

In a fast phone call on an extremely frustrating and gut-wrenching afternoon, knowing that his precious innocent sister that has never done anything to deserve the terrible fate of death by starvation and dehydration is facing such an execution at the hands of a ruthless husband, Bobby Schindler said that he and his family can only hope and pray that Governor Bush and the Florida Legislature will save his sister.

As she lies there in her small room with nothing to stimulate her by orders of her husband, smiling, loving, interacting with her family in the only ways that she can, she has no way of knowing that her tomorows could be so few. She is vulnerable, she depends on others to care for her, but instead, her husband(?) wants to kill her by order of the court, not even allowing her the opportunity to be given food and water by normal means. Just simply starved and dehydrated to death. If she were a dog, it would be illegal in Florida.

Its now up to public opinion.

Please get involved! Call and email your newspapers, Governor Bush, and the Florida Legislature, and plead with them to save Terri and give her the opportunity to be evaluated and rehabilitated in the custody of her parents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terri deserves to have the money she won to be spent on the treatments it was awarded for. If her husband wins and she is starved to death - the money should be given to the starving people in the world.
How can any Judge not demand treatment before sentencing her to death by cruel means, people on death row are executed by lethal injection not starved to death. She is not a criminal, she was unlucky to get sick or??? and be married to this moron with no morals. Reminder "Thou shall not kill" .
Where is it in writing that she wanted to die????????
How would her husband like to starve to death???????? Lets hear him vollenteer put it in writing that he should be withheld food until he dies - or better still divorse her. When and if he tires of his present family is this their future also????? How can she be with a man like this.????

1:35 PM, March 06, 2005  

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