Monday, July 05, 2004

Enemy v. Enemy
Yesterday's Sunday Oklahoman contained an opinion against the plaintiff's bar, using a suit against Wal Mart as its example. Doesn't that put me in a pickle! Well, the truth of the matter is I take Wal Mart's side on this issue. Even though I have railed against Wal Mart's employment practices, I have to agree with the Oklahoman's opinion regarding the use of class actions to resolve employment matters. The Oklahoman also makes an interesting point that if the plaintiff's bar and the unions manage to upset Wal Mart's place in the economy, another retailer will simply come in with lower prices than Wal Mart until it, too, is obliterated. Unionization has its place, but I believe even the union's have mutated away from their original purpose: to help the workers gain a voice.

Now that you are all home from your Independence Day vacations, I hope you'll leave some lively discourse in my comment's section!


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