Thursday, July 15, 2004

An Hour at the Hairdresser's
The boys and I have just returned from getting our hairs cut. We all look much, much better, if I do say so myself. We tried out a new hairdresser and I think she's a keeper.

Things I like about going to the hairdresser:
I love having someone wash my hair.
Hairdresser shampoo always smells delicious.
Some hairdressers massage my scalp.
I love having someone comb my hair.
I love having someone "play" with my hair.
I love having someone cut my hair.
I love having someone blow dry my hair.
My hair always feels lighter after a haircut.
I look better (usually).

Things I don't like about going to the hairdresser:
I don't like looking in the big mirror when my hair is wet and parted down the middle. Yuck.
I don't like chit chat with the hairdresser.

My new hairdresser filled up the space left by my refusal to engage in soul-searching interchange (what do you do, where do you live...). Not that I didn't answer, I just don't divulge much. My job is too complicated to describe in 3 easy sentences, and too political to bring up in polite conversation. So, I don't care to discuss it. And where I live, um....well, why do you want to know?

Anyway, here's a breakdown on my hairdresser's life, as revealed in one hour, in between phone calls from customers:
She had her first child at 27.
He is 19.
He was a nightmare.
Leashes were involved.
Her second son is 14.
She cried when she learned she was pregnant.
She cried when she learned he was having a son.
She just couldn't do it.
He turned out to be an angel.
He has blond eyes like her brother.
Her son has dark hair and eyes like her.
They both have the same dad.
She is divorced.
She used to live near Hefner and Rockwell.
Now she has a condominium.
She won't marry poor twice, you know what I mean?
She has been a full-time hairdresser for 10 years.
She'd rather be part-time, but her prince hasn't arrived.
She had a fight with a customer who yelled at her in front of others.
She wrote the lady a letter and dropped her as a client.
She once attended a large church in OKC, but it was too big.

There's more, but I've had enough. How about you?

Oh well. I look fabulous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two questions: How much did she charge, and does she know Jesus?

Angi L.

10:37 PM, July 15, 2004  

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