Saturday, December 18, 2004

Binging and Purging
Wow, children can gather a lot of stuff!! We consider ourselves fairly moderate (on the edge of tightness) regarding the purchase of toys for our children, but after today I'm not so sure. Tomorrow we have our neighborhood (block) Christmas dinner and home tour and I decided to go upstairs and straighten the boys' room. That was around noon. I emerged at 5:18!!! Seems somewhere along the line every box was emptied and all toys were co-mingled. To make matters worse, they are all small. An entire box of life-size insects was mixed in with little foam shapes, magnet letters, matchbox cars, Legos, blocks, beads, ribbons, and game pieces. The chairs had been turned upside down and covered with blankets to make a fort. Every book was out of its place and piled on the floor. And then there were the flags. Flags of every size colored and cut out by dear Colin. Some the size of my fingertips, some a little larger. Everywhere.

By the time I was finished, my van was loaded with items to give away and the trash bag was full. When I say loaded, I mean it. I decided I don't ever want to spend 5+ hours cleaning but one room of my house. I left the things they love and removed all else. They'll never miss it. And Colin looked in his closet and said, "WOW!! LOOK! It's clean!" Enough said.


Blogger M.Stonecipher said...

I know what you are talking about Jan.
Connie and I do the same thing about 2 times a year.
We also go through all our "stuff" to clean it out.
I am like Gramdma, I keep everything, I might need it someday.... but that day is always the day after I get rid of something, never fails.

7:55 PM, December 18, 2004  

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