Just as an example of how universities are moving away from training for a lifetime of earning capacity and toward an indoctrination of young minds, I give you this: a proposal at the University of Michigan to REQUIRE students to pass 3 credit hours of Gender and Sexuality class (translation: sexual deviancy class). This would be in addition to the already-required Race and Ethnicity class, which was instituted to educate on the importance of diversity and acceptance. I quote:
“These are not issues that pertain to just a small group of people who can study them,” she said. “This should not be exclusive.”
“There’s a lot of education that’s mandated and required that you might not agree with at all,” Cederberg said. “You can take it or leave it in these classes, but people need to be exposed.”
I don't buy the argument that this "should not be exclusive," which was made in response the the mandatory nature of the class. There is room for middle ground between exclusive and mandatory, after all.
And, yes, there is a lot of education that is mandated (AND REQUIRED!) with which I disagree. (I would, however, be interested in requiring basic English for the previously quoted individual!) This, too is a weak argument. Believe me, people are exposed (apparantly no pun was intended) to sexual deviancy of all kinds. Is it necessary? No. Will it prepare one for, say, petroleum engineering or accounting? No.
I will not be suprised if this measure passes at U of M. Look at the faculty offered at the College of Letters and Science (English Department) at USC. Yes, indeed. USC has its very own collection of Queer Studies professors. To what end? (again, no pun intended).
Parents - if you are sending your children off to college, be sure you have an idea what you're getting your child into. This is not your father's college education!
-via Saint Kansas
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