We Interrupt This Blog...
for a brief public service announcement:
We all seem to have the wrong email address for Aussie Anne (aka Annie Okie). Our only means of communication at present is this blog.
We Miss You Annie!!
for a brief public service announcement:
We all seem to have the wrong email address for Aussie Anne (aka Annie Okie). Our only means of communication at present is this blog.
We Miss You Annie!!
Well I am glad I logged on today.....I had my "shower thoughts" of realization that I am gone and forgotten. I was ready for the move to Singapore knowing that in all those ex-pats coming and going someone would want to hang out with me. (even if just because there was no one else to be with!)
annie okie is aussieabroad@hotmail.com for the purposes of this trip........
I will return any emails I get........I am on a different time clock but will answer as soon as I can. Keep in mind 5pm OK on Sunday is 10am Syd monday.
I went out with my 3 "trouble" friends last night. Sandy -whom kim and denise and kelly have met in OK - and "me cousin Kerry and me udda cousin kerry" We ate Thai and drank cappuccinos. Our usual thing to do. I talked about all y'all and showed the cookie exchange picture and the fri morn worship picture. So you all are known here now!!!!
I am on my way to meet Sandy and one of me cousin kerrys this morning........more cappuccino.......it is SO good in australia........I am living on a caffeine high!
THe weather isnt that good so no sun tan yet......IT has rained most days. But I so enjoy the mornings after a rain in the aussie bush.....the aroma of eucalyptus and the sounds of the aussie birds. Very comforting for this little aussie. (or not so little as the case may be........too many hot chips (french fries which are O so good here) too many twisties (Like cheetos) too much chocolate with the coffee....Too much of everything actually........sitting around eating and drinking and catching up........good stuff.......but no guitar.......no singing......would enjoy that with y'all.
I gots ta run and meet this mornings friends.
See ya
Been sending messages to that address, but I don't think they're gettin' through to you. Did you know you can check Cox email from anywhere in the world? You might check it out and see if that one works for ya.
Miss you much
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