Friday, August 19, 2005

My Emotional Rollercoaster
On the one hand I'm growing increasingly saddened about the beginning of school next week. Colin will be started 1st grade and will be gone all day. Spencer will go to preschool three mornings a week. They are growing up and I'll miss them. The house will be so quiet.

On the other hand, the house will be so quiet! I bet I'll even be able to think about one subject for more than 3 minutes in a row! We will go all the way until 3:15 without anyone arguing! Fewer bits of paper on the floor from Colin's crafting!

But, will he still have time for artistic expression? Or will the evenings be spent agonizing over spelling words and simple mathematics? Will Spencer know what to do with himself when his big brother is gone all day? Can my babies really be this old?

How is it possible to dread and anticipate all in the same moment?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mothers never change. My "babies" are almost 21 (on Sept. 27) and 22 and I still dread and anticipate over their choices, their decisions and their lives in general. However, I am getting better at hiding my dread, I hope. ;) Cherish each new thing in their lives, as it seems you already do with your sons. These are the REAL treasures in life.

11:06 PM, August 21, 2005  

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