Friday, September 09, 2005

"Protesters rally against U.S. President George W. Bush and his administration's handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, outside the White House in Washington, September 8, 2005. The hunt for the helpless and the hiding went on across New Orleans on Thursday as Bush promised to streamline the government bureaucracy to speed relief to hundreds of thousands displaced by Hurricane Katrina. 08 Sep 2005 REUTERS/Jason Reed"

Does anyone else notice that these people are doing nothing constructive to help the hurricane victims?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, just like the president and Michael Brown. Then again, we really don’t know who these protestors are and what they are doing for the hurricane victims.

10:14 PM, September 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best book on the theme of "stop criticizing and do something constructive" is Roaring Lambs by Robert Briner. It's one of the more powerful books I've read, and made a big impact on me.

4:50 PM, September 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got to agree with first anonymous. You don't really know anything about those people or what they've done or haven't done. The same could be asked of what you were doing to help by posting this blog.

4:56 PM, September 11, 2005  
Blogger Jan said...

Anonymous number one and anonymous number two both have good points. The thing is, when I do have time to leave my house, I don't spend it holding up signs that say, "Help the Hurricane Victims." I just thought it ironic that they held such signs instead of actually helping the hurrican victims." Most of us could do more to help. Holding signs does little for the effort.

5:04 PM, September 11, 2005  

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