Sunday, January 14, 2007

So far, so good on the weather front. (ha ha ha! "front" Get it....? ...okay...)

Anyway, we've had an interesting day. Thunder followed by the strongest sleet-fall I've ever seen. It looked like a hard rain, but it was all ice. The weather man said some of it looked like snowflakes incapsulated by ice. I was too cold to go check that out, but it sounds cool. Sleet is great! Rain that freezes later is bad. Our trees are standing, our heater is humming. It is all good.

Man, I made one fantastic meal Friday night! I have been trying out new stuff from Southern Living's everyday recipes and not one of them has failed. I am officially a Southern Living Fanatic.
So here is the recipe:

3-4 pound pork shoulder roast
18 ounces barbecue sauce
1 can Coca-Cola

That's it. You cook it all day in the crock pot, then shred it up with forks (I like big chunky shreds), put some on a bun, sprinkle with cheddar and, oh my good heavens. Oh. Oh. OH! We ate it up with some tortilla chips and mango salsa. You've got to try it! (The smallest roast I found was 10 pounds, so I made a whole lotta BBQ pork, which is all the better. Freezes up just fine!)

I've also got a lasagna in the oven and chili melding in the fridge. Hey, I've gotta keep warm somehow. If you're hungry, I guess you know where to go!

We have an old, old house and on days like today you can really feel it. I once had a friend say he liked old houses because you could always find a room with the temperature you needed: some are warm, some are cool and some are downright drafty and cold. That's our house. In fact, I need to put away the rest of the Christmas decorations, which are all congregating in the great room in like-minded huddles, but that room is the absolute coldest and draftiest place in the neighborhood. My husband brought all the boxes up from the dungeon and is patiently awaiting his turn to take them back down, but I just can't bring myself to freeze like that. I'm trying to appease hime with lots of cooking, and it seems to be working so far.

Maybe I should go make some brownies.



Blogger Melessa Gregg said...

Mmm! I don't even have to try that recipe to know it's good. But I'm sure I will try it in the next few weeks. Just to be sure, you know. ;>)

12:49 PM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Robin said...

Jan, thank you so much for coming by my blog. I am excited to be moving to OK. Right now I'm stuck in Dallas due to the weather. Of course, we didn't get the ice in our portion of the metroplex...yet.

Anyhoo, I did get the job pending verification of my certification. Should know for sure next week, but I'll be based out of Haskell Elem.

Would love to get to know some people out there. Feel free to email me direct at robinstorch at gmail dot com.

1:41 PM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

Hi, Jan!

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of blogdom. I like to call it Bloggy Bottom.

I've played the French Horn for almost 30 years. I love it a rediculous amount.

Some great weather we're having here in central OK, eh?

6:00 PM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

PS: The port roast recipe? Totally trying that one!! Thanks!

6:01 PM, January 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sarcastic Idiocy Forum invites you to brighten your day with sarcasm...and idiocy,...and stuff like that.

9:02 AM, January 18, 2007  

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