Monday, December 13, 2004

BlogNoggin Gone
Blogging is light 'cause life is full right now. Well, you could say "full" or you could say "spinning out of control." I expect I'll catch up sometime around December 27th. Maybe.

Gotta friend in the hospital which, more than anything, has my mind distracted. His wife (also my friend) has been by his side for the last 8 days and is emotionally and physically spent. There's not much I can do, so I'm just praying right now. Their kids have been over a few times in the past week and they've been a delight. No trouble at all, really. I imagine the novelty is wearing off for them by now, though. It will be nice for them all to be home together again.

Gotta another friend who is expecting her first child this week and is living in a hotel because her house burned last week. I've been collecting stuff for her and trying to get their Christmas presents wrapped for them. They are hoping to move into a rent house Thursday....and they're hoping the baby doesn't come before then (she's due Saturday). People have been amazingly generous. I just took a van load of baby clothes, books, bottles, and toys, household items, food, and gift cards. The family is still in shock. (Her sister's house burned down a few weeks ago!)

Hobbes' back legs have been giving him trouble since last spring, but they gave out today. He looks scared and he wails occassionally. He is Colin's best cat and, since we've already lost two cats this year, I'm just praying today is an anomaly and he can walk tomorrow.

My brother just left town today. We sold him our Element this morning and bought a new one this afternoon. Why is it not possible to by a car the way you buy earrings? Just say: "I like that one. I'll take it." You write a check, they give you the keys, and you say your farewells. Maybe they call the bank to see if your check is good, but then you're free to leave. NO. I'm hear to tell you, even if we had actual cash in a suitcase, we could not get out of there in less than 3 hours. First we negotiate. Then we wait for paperwork. Then they have to get the car ready (even though it is already brand-spankin' new). Then we have to sign paperwork. Then we have to decline all the optional warranties and service plans. Shouldn't they at least offer a sandwich in there? And a coke?

Anyway, the house is looking terrible. Papers piled high on the desk, dust everywhere, dishes in the sink, clothes in the washer, newspapers by the couch, toys EVERYWHERE, crayons EVERYWHERE...... I'd really rather leave. And somehow all this blogging is not getting it cleaned up!

Okay, well I guess I'll go get to it. Have a nice day. And thanks for the donations to my friend.


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