Thursday, September 22, 2005

The people are leaving the coast in droves and the highways are clogged. I'm not sure why they aren't opening more lanes and I don't know if there is a plan for the people that run out of gas while stalled in traffic. It seems that the evacuation is quite problematic. If I lived closer, I'd take a van full of water and snacks to hand out to the travelers - or maybe a a portapotty would be better. I don't know. SS says her sister has been stuck in Houston traffic all day. Anybody else know anything?? I have a feeling Oklahoma City may be a destination for a lot of Houston/Galveston evacuees (I know of three myself) and I wonder if there is anything we can do for them. Many will arrive here because they couldn't find a hotel anywhere else along the way. Any ideas?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about that place in Oklahoma that they had prepared for the Katrina refugees but it was not used. I read in the paper that they had a warehouse full of supplies and no place to send them because they weren't needed. We could let the people stay there and use those supplies!! SS

10:00 PM, September 22, 2005  

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