Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oklahoma Love-About
I've been inspired by OkieDoke's Okie Hate feature (which is hilarious - a must read) and decided to start a little feature of my own called Oklahoma Love-About (unless he objects, in which case I will cease and desist). The first entry comes from a man living in Vancouver, B.C. who was reared in Oklahoma and came for a visit last June:

I could list multiple things that I love about Oklahoma. I was born here. Lived here until 1996. Went to high school in Oklahoma and have great memories here. Also, I love the myriad of trucks, mud tires, mullets, gun racks, women with mullets driving trucks with mud tires and gun racks....

However, I just got back from getting a haircut and here is why I love Oklahoma the most. Three women at Pro-Cuts started blasting me with questions when they heard that I have worked in the church and am on my way to Canada to study theology (rEE-ly-jun | it actually has five syllables). Then, they got into an argument among themselves over what they considered to be two foundational doctrinal issues (worthy of breaking fellowship over):

  1. The Trinity: One of the women was a oneness pentecostal and she argued the nature of the Trinity with two women who thought they were classic Trinitarians but were actually modalists. That in and of itself was worth the price of the haircut.
  2. However, the second "doctrine" they proceeded to argue over gave me such joy that I gave a $5 tip. I was impressed with the vigor with which they debated this point of "doctrine" and applaud their courage for taking a stand on....SHOULD WOMEN BE ALLOWED TO WEAR BRITCHES?
Somehow, these reasons did not make me feel warm and fuzzy about Oklahoma.


Blogger Oakman said...

This is great, Jan. We can't have too much Oklahoma love!

7:17 PM, November 16, 2005  
Blogger sandegaye said...

Ha! I've been away from Oklahoma since the late 80's (born & raised there), but it's never far from the surface, eh?
Love your blog!

9:50 AM, November 20, 2005  

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