Friday, April 09, 2004

Date Night
Colin and I went on a date last night. He was as reluctant as most of my dates have been in my life. I just dragged him along anyway, as I am accustomed.

We went to Norman (OU) for dinner and a concert. I let him choose the place to eat, and we decided to eat at the student union. He was hoping they would have a Taco Bell. They had Sbarro, which was good enough. We sat outside and ate as we examined the buildings and said hellow to the passing students. Despite all his protestations on the way there, he clearly enjoyed dinner. I bought him some frozen yogurt with sprinkles for dessert in hopes he would feel some obligation to enjoy the concert with me. Turns out he's about as easy as I was on dates. He can't be bought.

We walked across campus to the music school and purchased our tickets. He was the only child there because all the other parents are much smarter than me! I showed him around the building and we listened in on some of the musicians practicing in the practice rooms. Then we found our seats. Then we found some other seats. And finally, we found some other seats. Of course, we then had to switch seats so Colin could sit in the seat with the "5" on it (as if he would be sitting).

The concert began with an eerie, modern marimba band. It was way too intellectual for Colin (and possibly even me) so he entertained himself by folding himself into his seat and popping back out. The next piece was much better. It consisted of snare drum, tympani, bass drum and various accessories. It kept his interest, so I hoped we were there to stay.

The third piece was absolutely incredible: Concerto for Piano and Percussion Orchestra by David Gillingham. The first and second movements in particular were rich and beautiful, making one feel as if she were dancing through a flowery meadow in the mountains. I could have listened all night.

Not Colin.

Soon after that, we left. We missed the last eight (8!) pieces!! Colin was cold and tired and thirsty and bored. They were just playing too much music!!!

Despite all Colin's complaints, I think he really did have a good time. I know he learned a lot about college and music. I was proud to see that he already knows when and when not to applaud (by watching the conductor). So, I'll drag him along some other time, too.


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