Sunday, September 26, 2004

PoP UpDate
Dad made it through surgery. He did go into cardiac arrest on the operating table, but they pulled him through. His pacemaker is working beautifully. His pulse is now 60, a wonderful upgrade from 20. Everything seems fine except he is in considerable pain. I think he's in more pain than is normal. They keep injecting him with morphine, so he's been very sleepy. Hasn't eaten since Friday lunch. One nurse estimated his pain this afternoon as a 10 on a 10-point scale. Worse than having a baby, she said.

Another nurse told me he asked my dad this morning, "Do you know where you are?" My dad replied, "I'm right here." That's my dad.

The plan is to send him home tomorrow. I'm hoping for Tuesday. He's getting wonderful care at the hospital. Two nurses for three patients. Can't beat it. And salmon for dinner...when he's ready to eat. Heck, I'm ready to move in!!

Thanks for those of you who have called and emailed. I am blessed.


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