Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Snowflake Lady
I was the guest teacher in Colin's kindergarten class this morning. We learned about snow crystals! What else? It was a fun time and I think the children really liked it.

We started out by reviewing the book their teacher had read to them on Tuesday: Snowflake Bentley. I asked them questions like, "How old was Wilson Bentley when he started noticing snowflakes? (around 6) and "What did the people think about his love for snowflakes? (silly). They had remarkable memories! Then we watched the video of the book and talked about Mr. Bentley's perserverance despite years of failure and humiliation.

When I pulled out Mr. Bentley's book of photos, the children were in awe. They didn't even know if it was true. When I assured them it was, they oohed and ahhhed over the photos. (We also looked at this book and this book.) We noticed how some were thick and others were frilly, but all were beautiful. And each one different. Then I told them how amazing it is that God would take such great care to make a snowflake, which will melt away, into a beautiful masterpiece - and how much more valuable we are to him. I told them each one of them is wonderfully and beautifully made - and each one of them is unique. Then I asked them to look around their world and be sure to notice the tiny details all around them and to remember how much care God takes to make us and to make our world beautiful for us.

Finally, we each made our own snow crystal out of pipecleaners and clear beads. They were all beautiful and I was blessed.



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