Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Colin brought home this item in his backpack. He has long been planning to marry Lydia (and she has agreed). A fine choice, Lydia. She is fiercely loyal to Colin, a complete girly girl, a caretaker and a firecracker. I can only hope she'll look better than this on her wedding day. Doesn't it remind you of A Nightmare Before Christmas?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to even mention it, but has Colin - by chance - seen the previews for Tim Burton's new animated film, "The Corpse Bride"?

Same look as "Nightmare," but with a bride and groom!

I'm not relating this at all to Lydia, who is truly an angel! And very much alive.


4:19 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Mise en Place said...

Awww, how sweet it THAT? My son is convinced that he will be wedding a little girl named Emily...lol!

10:25 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Jan said...

I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen it. I know I haven't. We liked Nightmare Before Christmas...The Corpse Bride sounds a bit gruesome, but who knows. Jack Skellington was such a likeable character you soon forgot he was a skeleton. Actually, the whole Halloween town was full of loveable goons.

8:22 AM, September 28, 2005  

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