Monday, September 26, 2005

Strange Questions
You have been given the chance to jump into a pool of anything you wish, purely for the sensational experience. What substance would you choose?
Warm, home-made from scratch chocolate pudding. Oh yeah, baby.

If you could experience something considered very dangerous with your safety guaranteed, what would you want to experience?
Space travel OR an Alaskan high-seas fishing boat.

If you could choose one song NEVER to hear ever again in your life? Which song would it be?
"The Most Beautiful Girl in the World"

You are at Starbucks, what is your order?
Almond Steamer


Blogger marta said...

can I play? Here are my answers:Jello,scuba diving,"Feelings" and mocha frappacino

12:19 PM, September 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

champagne (sparkling wine would be fine) but only barely chilled; definitely skydiving, Macarena, pumpkin spice latte.

Maybe I could skydive INTO the champagne pool?


3:27 PM, September 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tapioca pudding, surfing, Memories (by Barbara Striesand (sp?), mocha frappacina


7:13 AM, September 28, 2005  

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