Friday, October 14, 2005

I Am Tiger, Hear Me Roar
I few short months ago I told Colin it was time to sign up for Boy Scouts (Tiger Cubs) and he announced, "I am NOT doing Boy Scouts. I am NOT." James said he didn't have to. I said he did.

The time I made the boys see Thomas the Tank Engine in person - I mean " in engine" - I was wrong. wrong wrong wrong. This time I was right.

Yesterday was Colin's second "real" den meeting and he had earned three beads. He got one for starting a family scrapbook, one for learning the pledges and doing them properly, and one for making a food pyramid poster. He was SO proud. All evening long he said, "Mommy. Can you believe I got THREE beads??!?" He didn't take his uniform off until beadtime and he just kept looking at his beads. He even completed a fourth project (map of our neighborhood) so he would get another bead at the next meeting. At bed time he hung his uniform carefully in the closet (let me tell you, that is a first).

At breakfast this morning Colin said, "I bet you and mommy are so glad you didn't have a little girl because then mommy would have to go to Girl Scouts while I'm in Boy Scouts and she wouldn't get to see me earn my beads."

Aaagghhhhh. The power of beads.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boys never really took to scouting. I think it was the troop we were with, we lived too far away from everyone else.

Your story about your son makes this Eagle scout get a little sniffly. If your son ever wants to see my eagle badge, merit sash & other stuff, let me know.

Also, we're having gaming @ my place Saturday. You're more than welcome.

4:12 PM, October 14, 2005  

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