Friday, December 02, 2005

How Much is That Puppy in the Street, There?
James was driving to work Wednesday when what to his wondering eyes did appear but a little puppy in very busy street, struggling to get up. To the side of the road, James spied a group of young children, screaming, crying and yelling to the dog and the passersby. Nobody slowed down except James. He stopped and got that puppy out of the road.

The dog had been hit by a car and its back legs were broken. It was bleeding. The children were crying. Seems they opened the door to get in the car for school and the puppy ran straight out into the street.

Not only does James have a soft spot for animals, it was his father's birthday. James inherited his love for dogs from his dad, and it was only appropriate to stop on this day and help the dog and its family.

James drove the mother and the puppy to the nearest animal trauma center (Neel Veterinary Hospital, and they assessed the situation. The minimum: $500. The woman broke out into tears.

Long story short: James told the Vet he would take care of it. The dog is alive and well today. James asked me to give this to him as his Christmas gift this year.

The final bill at the hospital was nearer to $800, but they were so touched by James' generosity, they capped the bill at $500. Thank you to the people at Neel!

I know some people are thinking this is just an animal and not worth so much money. I know the money could have been used to help people instead. But, I'm proud of James. Perhaps he restored some faith to the family and the employees at the hospital. He restored Christmas for those children. Perhaps they will remember how one stranger changed them that cold November morning way back in 2005.

And I think it did some good for James' heart and mine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm dang neart crying.

You have one heck of a husband (& I must add that he probably has the bestest spouse evar!!)

9:56 AM, December 02, 2005  
Blogger Patrick said...

What a remarkable story. I can't imagine a better gift than a helping hand extended to someone in pain. Thanks for sharing with that family and with your readers! Merry Christmas!

2:37 PM, December 02, 2005  
Blogger It's me, T.J. said...

Your husband had my staff crying while we were taking x-rays of the dog that morning.

What a 'small world' the internet is.

Please tell him thank you for me.


11:46 PM, December 02, 2005  
Blogger Judy said...

What a beautiful story.

Thanks for telling it.

8:56 AM, December 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved this. Love dogs. Need one.

1:53 PM, December 04, 2005  
Blogger Linda said...

What a lovely, heart-warming story. I'm sure that your husband made a huge impact on that family and the staff.

4:38 PM, December 05, 2005  

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