Saturday, January 07, 2006

Business Unusual
Colin entered his first art show today. They are calling all those who won awards tonight, so we are sitting by the phone waiting anxiously. It is 7:19 and I am already discouraged. My competitive nature is coming out!

Anyway, registration was last week and I had spent the entire Christmas break trying to get Colin to draw something for the show. He is a temperamental artist and not usually willing to work at anyone else's direction, so it was tricky - and I failed.

My hopes were up when he opened the Art House last week. He set up a small studio upstairs complete with a catalog of the sort of work he would do for money. He said he had been disappointed in the sales at his bone store and eventually went out of business. He thought an Art House might be a good money maker.

I offered 50 cents for a drawing of the planets if I could choose the paper (he often works on notebook paper). He agreed, but then bargained for just one planet. I chose Saturn. I told him I would only pay for his very best work.

No sooner did my feet hit the first floor than I heard him call out that my order was ready. I returned with my 50 cents to find my art complete and the receipt written directly on the image. My complaints were not redressed, and I never did get a "clean" copy of Saturn (or any planet, for that matter). While his store was open, I held out hope and even registered his drawing of "The Planet" in the show. In the end, I had to find an old drawing of the planets he had done on construction paper and I entered that in the show.

The Art House went under and Colin has now opened a fish store. He has clear plastic bowls with plastic fish, a net to scoop them out, more clear plastic bowls and tubs for fish tanks and a bowl of beads (for fish food). If you purchase a fish, he will put it in a ziploc baggy for you. The fish are cheap, but watch out! He is a master at selling the accessories! The good thing is that everyone gets a free bag of food and a free poster of the coral reef drawn by the owner himself.

UPDATE: No phone call. Bummer.

UPDATE: Dwayne the Canoe Guy just might qualify for next year's children's art show.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to make a joke about ordering a picture of Uranus, but that seemed childish

(hee hee, uranus, hee hee)

7:40 AM, January 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you remind me of the dates for your ladies retreat?

5:24 PM, January 08, 2006  

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