Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Home Alone
I'm about to have 48 hours home alone and my head is spinning. There are so many choices and the opportunity is so rare. What shall I do? Here are some things I've considered.

1. Super clean the house
2. Fill up my social calendar
3. Remain alone the entire time
4. Have a mini-retreat to plan the Ladies Retreat
5. Shop
6. Crop
7. Try to do it all
8. Choose one thing
9. _____________

Please advise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, please, please - don't choose option #1.

Don't even consider it.

I hope you enjoy your peaceful weekend.

I'm trying to remember what the Bible says about envy.


12:41 PM, October 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Option number one with a twist: come and clean MY whole house. . .Actually, no I paid someone to do that today.
Go and do (or stay home and do) the things you can't do usually. That's what I would do. (Like maybe just sleep and lounge all day.)
Angi L.

11:02 PM, October 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, you just HAVE to plant some pansies this weekend! Don't do it while you are fasting, lest you be tempted by the edible parts. But it is PERFECT pansy-plantin' weather, and they will last all winter and be full and beautiful in the spring. Each time you see them over the next few seasons you will be reminded of your weekend with God!!! SS

(And PE and I will be fighting our jealous feelings....)

3:26 PM, October 06, 2005  
Blogger Jan said...

I love the pansey idea, but I just couldn't do it without a friend beside me.

hint hint

4:59 PM, October 06, 2005  

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